The Road Less Traveled

These things don’t just happen. These things begin with the simplest of ideas or the most complex of problems. Maybe you want to launch a business or maybe you want to cure cancer. Whatever story you came to tell isn’t written in one day. This path that you embark on is your unique story. It is rugged, it is raw, and it is purely yours.

Raleigh, North Carolina is consistently ranked as one of the best places to start a new business. But like the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. The road is long, the road is weathered and can be a little dramatic at times. But, what lies ahead is exactly what you imagined. Your mind has the capability to build this extravagant story, and you play it out in real time.

So, before you give up, turn around and go home… I encourage you to keep pressing onward. These things begin to shape you, and you begin to shape them into reality.

We are here to guide you along your journey by providing insight and knowledge of the self. In order to move forward, sometimes you need to slow down and reflect and eliminate all these things that you are not. This isn’t just yoga, it’s everything that got you to this point.

Where are you? Who are you? Where are you going?

Every step you take is a new point of beginning.

Start your business. Apply to that job. Get out of bed and live with purpose.

Photo shot at Boxcar, Raleigh

Photo shot at Boxcar, Raleigh


The Art of Letting Go.


As Transient as You are