Three Poses for a Stronger Immune System

One of the biggest questions that is probably on your mind this season is how do I avoid getting sick? Well, since leaving the house isn’t an option, here are our three favorite yoga poses for a stronger immune system this Winter.

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Fish Pose (Matsyasana): Fish Pose opens up the heart and the lungs. It is thought to break up congestion sitting in the sinuses and lungs. Matsyasana can also eradicate toxins from your digestive system, when done correctly.

How to do it:

1 Lie on your back

2 Tuck your hands under your glutes, palms facing up

3 Place a block between the shoulder blades

4 You can use a second block to gently support your head

5 Your spine should have a natural curvature and your head should be tilted back so open up the neck and airways

6 Take about 5-7 deep breathes in the pose and come in and out as necessary

Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): Bridge Pose opens the heart and lungs, improves blood circulation and stimulates the Thryoid Gland. With this increase in energy within the body, it helps fight off the bad bacteria from cold and flu season.

How to do it:

1 Lie on your back

2 Come on to the soles of your feet and position them parallel, about hips distance apart

3 Lift your hips off your mat and place a block onset your hips for extra support

4 Keep your hips and glutes engaged

5 bind your arms or reach for opposite elbows overhead for a heart opener

6 Stay in this pose about 2-3 minutes to get the full benefits

Corpse Pose (Savasana): One of the, if not THE most important pose in your yoga practice. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body’s rest and digest response when the body is in a relaxed, resting or feeding state. When you lie down in Savasana and you begin to relax, this is when your body heals, repairs and returns to homeostasis.

How to do it:

1 Lie on your back

2 Lay your arms down by your sides or on your belly

3 Close your eyes

4 Relax all the points in your body

5 Take five conscious breaths

6 Stay in this pose about 5-7 minutes for full benefits


The Beginning and the End.